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Monthly Pricing

Once you are all set up (see Initial set-up costs) then the price you pay each month simply depends on the size of your list and how long your email is. Each month, simply choose the option that suits you at that time…


View example email »This is great if you want to send something short and sweet to your customers. Keep it simple and bold, like a large image in a ‘Postcard’ style, or use it as a mini-newsletter. For more details of what’s included, please see the table below.


View example email »Both retailers and ‘corporates’ alike find this option perfect for showcasing a good selection of products/services, or for going into more depth. It also has the added benefit of a printable voucher if required. For more details of what’s included, please see the table below


Detailed list of what’s included… ‘Lite’ ‘Gold’
We edit up to 250 words of supplied copy. ?
We edit and/or provide up to 4 images. ?
We edit up to 500 words supplied of copy. ?
We edit and/or provide up to 8 images. ?
We design and create link for a printable voucher (or invitation). ?
Support and help with ideas for effective emails. ? ?
Maximum turn-around time of 4 working days. ? ?
Telephone and email contact with an email marketing professional. ? ?
We write a suggested ‘Subject Line’ for the best open rate. ? ?
Personalisation for each email i.e. “Hello Kate” ? ?
We include your chosen web links & You Tube videos. ? ?
We include and monitor web links to products on your website. ? ?
We include and monitor web links to articles on your website. ? ?
We include and monitor ‘Forward this email to a Friend’ links. ? ?
We include and monitor clicks on ‘Like’ buttons (Facebook). ? ?
We include and monitor clicks on ‘Share’ buttons (Twitter). ? ?
We test your email for maximum deliverability. ? ?
We update your email list with any new subscribers. ? ?
We send out the email to your list of subscribed recipients. ? ?
We remove any unsubscribes from your list (legal requirement). ? ?
See opens, clicks and more on a world map, as they happen! ? ?
Reports that include open-rates, click-throughs and more. ? ?


‘Lite’ Pricing

Number of Recipients Up to 1000 1001 to 1500 1501 to 2000
Price £49 £55 £65

‘Gold’ Pricing

Number of Recipients Up to 1000 1001 to 1500 1501 to 2000
Price £85 £95 £105

All prices are subject to VAT.
If you wish to send emails to a list of over 2000 names, please contact us.

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